Josephine Miles
• Collected Poems
• Free Speech
• "David"
• "On Inhabiting an Orange"
• Goodness, Truth, and Beauty
• Josephine Miles Fellowship
• Women of the Beat
• Bibliography • The Literature of California
• Poets on Peace
• Poet Ed Mycue Remembers
• Poet Arthur Sze Remembers
• Essayist Phil McArdle Remembers
• In Memoriam
Christina Hutchins
• "Eye of the Storm, Pescadero Coast"
• "Why We Need To Be Together"
• "Elementary Deparrtures"
• "Embers of the Day" • "Tongues As of Fire" • "Ripples & Rainbow Risings" • "Poetry as Performativity & Excess"
Marjorie Larney
• Angkor Wat Photos
• Pan-American Games Champions
• US Women's Track & Field Champion
• Queens College Olympians
• Computer Software User's Guide
Activist Friends
• Betsy's Books (Usborne for Kids)
• Creative Kids for Peace • Skilled Tradeswomen • Homeless Outreach • Bay Area Explorers Books • Barbara Cooper in Canada • Diving with Bonnie
• Harriet Ellenberger: Creative Writing &
Feminist Commentary

The oral
biography Josephine Miles: Teaching Poet, edited by
Marjorie Larney, captures the acclaimed poet's reflections on 40 years of
writing and teaching at the University of California, Berkeley.
Miles on the 60s
"It was just a really
exhilarating time because of the students' energy and need. It was a
lovely time for teaching. I taught more students, more fast, more
motivatedly, more with their aid and help than ever before."
students would get together to raise money to leaflet, their constructive
work. You always hear about the glass-breaking, but they raised lots of
money to leaflet in the suburbs. My students made two to three magazines,
which they wrote and printed, and collated out there on the patio. A
thousand copies—sold for a dollar a copy. They'd sell every one.... And
they'd buy anti-Cambodia [invasion by US troops] leaflets. And they'd go
out to San Leandro and they'd talk to people, then come back and talk
about the conversations.... I mean so much positiveness of the 60s will
some day, I hope, come out."
091479504X 96 pages $12.95
Collecting Light features prize-winning poems by
Christina Hutchins. Included with the book is a CD of the poet reading all
the poems in the volume.
Christina Hutchins was a
finalist in the Pablo Neruda Prize for Poetry (1999) competition and won
Second Place in the National Writing Award in Poetry, Prescott College,
1999, and First Place in the Villa Montalvo Biennial Poetry Competition,
1998. She has poems recently published in Thema, The Southern Poetry
Review, The Cream City Review, Nimrod and Fireweed, and many other
An ordained
minister in the United Church of Christ (Congregational), she currently
teaches process theology, field education, preaching, and
lesbian/gay/queer theory at the Pacific School of Religion,
ISBN 0914795056
50 pages $15.00
Stage V: A Journal Through Illness (1984) tells
how Sonny Wainwright battled breast
cancer, and how the New York City women's writing community rallied to her
side every step of the way.
From the Introduction by poet Joan Larkin
"Sonny is my
teacher in faith and persistence, in the determination to survive, to
recover, and to write. To tell our secrets. And not to have to do it
alone. Women need this!"
0914795023 144 pages $12.95 |